Statement of Ethics
photography ethics centre, Northern Ireland, undated
[although this is focussed on photography, the advice about how to write a statement of ethics can be applicable to any creative and cultural work. includes links to additional resources]
Conflict Resolution & Accountability Framework
Radical Events Ottawa, Conflict Resolution & Accountability Framework, 2016
[a guide to help organizations deal with conflict]
Notes on Running a Crowd Funding Campaign
Amanda Earl, Notes on Running a Crowd Funding Campaign, AngelHousePress, July 2023.
Link to Substack Newsletter version
As part of The Caring Imagination initiative, AngelHousePress will publish guides to help creators and cultural workers who wish to create, produce and disseminate work with compassion. This first guide is for those who wish to raise money to fund their creative endevours and is especially focused on fundraising for community support, such as paying contributors and promoting activities, such as small press publication. It is a work-in-progress based on my experience and is by no means definitive. I welcome your suggestions for additions and changes at any time, and I welcome any questions you may have.
I am also looking for more guides on subjects such as how to create events that are accessible, how to find sensitivity editors, and more. Please visit for an idea of the type of resource we are looking for. There will be a small honorarium. You can e-mail me at amanda at angelhousepress dot com if you have an idea for a guide.
Hire A Writer
Quebec Writers Federation, Hire A Writer, July 2023.
“Hire a Writer is an online directory of professional writers, editors, literary coaches, and more. Developed to serve both the literary and business communities, it helps businesses, organizations, and aspiring writers find quality assistance from established, experienced writers.” [includes a variety of services, including sensitivity reading.]
Directory of Black Canadian Artists, Directory of Black Canadian Artists, undated
“categories included are Actors, Authors, Comedians, Dancers, Directors, Disc Jockeys (DJs), Models, Musicians, Poets/Spoken Word, Singers and Visual Artists.”
Writers of Color
Durga Chew-Bose, Jazmine Hughes, Vijith Assar, and Buster Bylander, Writers of Color, undated.
Creating more visibility for writers of color with a searchable database of topics and a list of writers. USA-based.
Access Word Ottawa: A Guide to Accessible Venues
Amanda Earl, Access Word Ottawa, A Guide to Accessible Venues,, 2019
[scroll down to below the logo on the left-hand side and click on the pdf; this is out-of-date but i will update it at the end of December, 2023.]