Durga Chew-Bose, Jazmine Hughes, Vijith Assar, and Buster Bylander, Writers of Color, undated.
Creating more visibility for writers of color with a searchable database of topics and a list of writers. USA-based.
Make Art with Compassion
Durga Chew-Bose, Jazmine Hughes, Vijith Assar, and Buster Bylander, Writers of Color, undated.
Creating more visibility for writers of color with a searchable database of topics and a list of writers. USA-based.
Museums Association, Decolonization Resources List, undated.
[primarily for museum curators but there’s a wealth of information that is relevant to all]
Curatorial Research Center, Top 10 tips to start decolonising your practice, 2020.
[primarily for museum curators, but the tips work for all]